We believe that women play a very important role in the Kingdom of God. They are helpmeets to their husbands, mothers to their children and role models for their sibling, colleagues and everyone God brings into their paths.
Proverbs 31 Women is the women’s fellowship of Covenant Vision Christian Church. Led by Ps Shirley Khoo, wife of Senior Pastor Rev Francis Khoo, the ministry’s objective is to gather women to love Jesus and know the heartbeat of God.
To spiritually nurture and to provide prayer support, encouragement, fellowship and ministry for women in need through the Word of God.
To create and to built Godly and positive family environments.
Our meetings are conducted quarterly and at these gatherings, relevant topics are addressed by various speakers to help encourage, strengthen and nurture the ladies; and in so doing, equip them to fulfil their role and calling in the Kingdom of God (Col 2:2-7). As prayer is the heartbeat of God, this ministry will emphasise the importance of prayer and help the ladies connect to God.
Regardless of age or stage in life, this ministry is catered to all women. So do come and join us as we grow and journey together as a community of women at CVCC.
For more information, please contact Ps Shirley at shirley.khoo@covenantvision.org.sg.