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When God began to lay a vision for a Church to be established, Rev Dr Francis and the leadership

of the Covenant Vision Ministry came together to pray and seek God to show how the Church was to be birthed out. As they did, the message was clear. We were to build…


“a radically transformed community engaging our world to establish the Kingdom of God.”


The desire was to be a cutting-edge church but we realised that this could not happen until the individuals making up the congregation of the Church no longer conform to the ways of the world, but are transformed to become conformed to the image of the Jesus Christ. There was also a realisation that the mark of a true believer is not about how much Bible study we do, how much witnessing we do or even how much we have done in Jesus‘s name. The key is “Are we able to love as Jesus Loves!” Also we were reminded in John 8:31, 32 that only if we live the Word of God, can we become disciples of Jesus and that is when the knowledge of Truth can set us free. With that in mind, we began to prayerfully pen our mission which began to take form to reveal that we were


“to equip, enhance and empower believers to fulfill their godly potential as Word-based, Spirit-led and Faith-filled disciples of Jesus Christ.”


We want to grow individuals and help them on their way to becoming matured sons and daughters of God, each discipled and moulded into the very image and likeness of our Lord Jesus.

How it all began

It was in late 2004, when Rev Dr Francis, more known then as Bro Francis, clearly heard from God that it was time to start a Church. He struggled and contended with the Lord over this that this may not be a wise move as it was against his calling and would affect his ability to function as an Evangelist released to the Nations. He thought that starting a church would also affect the neutrality of Covenant Vision Ministry as a Transdenominational Christian Ministry working alongside Local Churches.


The Lord then impressed upon Rev Dr Francis that although many people had attended and were ministered to by the work carried out by the Covenant Vision Ministry, there was a need to build more concretely into lives. This was confirmed by various other people, including Sis Shirley who had an open vision from God. So finally in 2008, Rev Dr Francis said ‘Yes Lord’ and began the process of registering the church. On 16 September 2008, Covenant Vision Christian Church was registered as a public corporation limited by guarantee with ACRA Singapore.


The Lord also made it clear to Rev Dr Francis that the Church was to be built on pillars of Faith. So in faith, before Church Services even began and before we even had a congregation, after prayerfully seeking the Lord, it was decided that Rev Dr Francis was to be the Senior Pastor of the Church with Bro Henson Lim, Bro Andrew Teo and Bro George Gunter to be appointed full-time Pastors of the Church and they were commissioned on 18th October 2008.


On Sunday, 1st November 2008, the Church started its first Praise and Worship Services. As an act of Faith on December 22nd 2008, the Church undertook its first Community Project to reach out to the people around the Church holding a street carnival to “Celebrate Christmas @ Tyrwhitt”. On that day we also did our first major welfare and social concerns project by giving out food parcels to 800 needy families in the neighbourhood.Since then we have never looked back and the rest is History!! Glory to Jesus!!!


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Ps Shirley Khoo



Ps Shirley is the wife and help meet of Senior Pastor Rev Francis Khoo. Together, they co-founded Covenant Vision Ministry and Covenant Vision Christian Church, both of which Ps Shirley administers. 


Ps Shirley has a heart for women, especially those who are caught in crisis and heads the Proverbs 31 Women's Ministry. She also coordinates the logistics for ministry teams going overseas and is herself an active member of the overseas ministry. 

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Rev Dr Francis Khoo



Rev Dr Francis is the founder and Senior Pastor of CVCC. Rev Dr Francis' ministry is a multifaceted one - preaching, teaching, pastoring, prophetic and missions. He started Covenant Vision Centre (CVC) in 1998 and thereafter established CVCC in 2008. 


He ministers with his wife, Ps Shirley as a husband and wife team, emphasising the importance of building a godly and positive family environment as a foundation for God's blessings. Thousands have been healed and transformed by the Holy Spirit even as they challenge them to believe, trust and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

Together, they have three children and five grandchildren.

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Ps Jeremy Lim


Ps Jeremy graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Education (Hons) from the National Institute of Education, Singapore. In 2023, he left his role as a teacher in the Ministry of Education to join CVCC as a pastor.


He has more than 10 years of experience in the youth ministry and youth-related work. He believes in nurturing the next generation and in helping discover their calling in life. He also has a passion for counselling and helping individuals of all ages deal with past emotional and spiritual baggage in order to live a more purposeful and meaningful life.


Ps Trisha Khoo


Ps Trisha Khoo graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) from the National University of Singapore. In 2004, she quit her corporate job with a Bank and joined CVC as a Ministry Partner, coordinating CVC's Information and Communications. 


In 2011, she took a sabbatical when she had her second child. In October 2014, Ps Trisha took on the role of Worship Co-ordinator for CVCC. Exactly 2 years later, on 2 October 2016, she was commissioned as a Pastor of CVCC, overseeing the Worship and Music Ministry. 


Ps Trisha has a passion to see the church move and to advance the Kingdom of God. She also desires to see believers encounter God through the power of corporate praise and worship. She is married to James and they have two children, John and Sarah-Anne.

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